Civet Coffee

Civet Coffee

Civet Coffee also named as Kopi Luwak or more notoriously Cat Poo Coffee is the most expensive Coffee on earth. Wondering just what Civet Coffee ? civet is a cousin species to wild cat and mongoose , as coffee Berries are Civet favorites being eaten passing through their digestive tract(Paradoxurus Hermaphroditus)removing the acidity of the Coffee Berries. The last Product (Poo) or (shit) you referred to it as contain the undigested coffee Bean being excrete outside in the jungle. Where people like villager , farmer , coffee evangelist will seek their strategies by the jungle to gather these POO and roast it in to the Final Product the ultimate Civet coffee or kopi Luwak. Paradoxurus Hermaphroditus

Origin Of Civet Where can they live?
Luwak also named as Palm civet, possess a size being a cat predominantly are in the Archipelago of Indonesia . The Scientific name Species is Paradoxurus Hermaphroditus. Can be found around Sulawesi , Bali , Java , Sumatra .
Feature With the Luwak
Weight: 2.5 to 4.0kg
Body Length : From Check out tail 35 to 45 inch
Behaviour Habitat: Nocturnal and Solitary / territorial animal.
Diet: Small fruits / Insect and Small animal / Omnivore.

A history Of Civet Coffee

During Dutch colonial times in Indonesia, local consumption of coffee was prohibited towards villager and farmer. The Large scale coffee plantation have invited an unwanted guest the civet invading the Coffee crop .These were kill initially as was being labelled as pest, but soon if you do farmer collected the excrete of their poo contain coffee bean and roasted it into coffee roast the legend of Civet Coffee or Kopi Luwak started.

What goes on in the Civet Stomach when Coffee Bean are consumed?
Once the coffee Berry checking Digestive system of the Luwak or civet. This enzymatic Juices, of the Luwak entering the bean modifying the bean property result an important of protein break down detaching the acidity from the Coffee . Cat poo Coffee

Ethical Method of kopi Luwak?
As the demand for Civet Coffee or kopi Luwak Grows. Some Unethical farmer porch and captivate these Luwak or civet in small confine space feeding them berry everyday in order to get their Poo. In accordance with expert there are only 500Kg of Luwak real Luwak coffee being gather annually, but due to lots of unethical activities on going to enslave the pet because of its poo, the border line between real wild Luwak Civet Coffee and Captivated Cage kopi Luwak is now vague.

In conclusion
Does it seem humane to consume these coffee? It all depends on what�s your point of view .If the supply of the Coffee is ethical why not? However it will not sound to become a wise decision to take this sort of Coffee everyday as it will cost you plenty of plenty of cash.

Civet Coffee kopi Luwak cat poo Coffee luwakParadoxurus Hermaphroditus luwak coffee civet coffee indonesia real kopi luwak good reputation for civet coffee luwak

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